Unconventional Goddess


Unconventional Goddess Regret

Fear can be paralyzing, especially when something is so new and feels so daunting. But there is nothing worse than regret. It eats away at your peace of mind.

If something is challenging and feels too “big”, how can you make it feel smaller? How can you take one step on that journey, instead of 10 steps? What do manageable chunks look like to you? How can you make this look and feel simpler?

Want to change careers? What does a new career look like? Maybe your first step is just researching all about it. Then it’s talking to others in that career. Then it’s finding out what you need to study to qualify for that career. Then researching the courses. Then taking one course… and so on and so on.

How are you overcoming your fears to live a life of no regret?

Regret quote Unconventional Goddess


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